Enio Fontana, Fontana Gruppo President, told his life and business story to an entrepreneurial audience during the event within the series “The Hands that Built Brianza.” It is an initiative created by BtoB Circle, a meeting platform for businesspeople, to engage those men who gave life to the Brianza entrepreneurial network, excellence recognized worldwide. “My first real memories match the time when I started working in the company,” so explained Enio Fontana. Indeed, his professional career is closely linked to the company’s growth, led first by his father Loris and his uncle Walter and later by him and his brothers Giuseppe and Luigi. “Our secret has always been dialogue and constant confrontation, necessary to unite often different mentalities. We are now in the third generation, composed of my son Fabrizio and my nephew Alberto. Still, the generational transition is a continuous process that must be built piece by piece.” His life story also includes his involvement in associationism as president of UPIVEB, the association representing the national supply chain of fasteners and related, and the Paolo Zorzi Association for Neuroscience, which promotes research projects in neurology.